To-dos for individual view
From Oneville Wiki
Individual View To-Dos
Web application at:
password: fffjjj
Overall to-dos:
- Make sure tubes from student data work, ie, send each student's data to a separate individual view for that student. (The data currently lives on a secure server in San Diego, and we can grant you access as soon as you need it.)
- Create user accounts for each parent (once we have this data)
- Build a page that a teacher can got to and select which student's individual view to see
- Make sure each comment box has the instruction "Write comments or questions here."
- Make comments stick automatically
Page-by-page to dos:
- Remove last sentence in instructions on general/first page
- Replace teacher's photo w/student's photo (requires us asking district for the student photo data)
- Add color-coding to attendance and test score pages
- Make attendance page show results for all the months of that year that have passed, i.e., if it's during the month of November, show Sept & October, and if it's June, show Sept-May.
- Change color-coding on grades page to red-green
- Change MCAS raw scores to scaled score (student data includes both)
- Change wording of MAP "Language Arts" to "Language"
- On summary comment page, embed links to the google calendar and to a doodle poll (I will create these links and send them to you)
- Build the tubes from the summary comment page to the teacher's email (and to parent emails, if we get those).